Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Heading to Colombia for Christmas

Hey everyone!
Here is a new blog for my anticipated trip to Colombia.  I guess I need to share a few things so you know why I'm going, when and what I'll be doing.

Why Colombia?
I have always wanted to visit South America and in particular Colombia.  I hear it is a beautiful country with beautiful people.  I was lucky to have met a friend in London who is from Cali, Colombia.  She is a wonderful person so I figure Colombia must have more like her.

No, seriously why are you going to Colombia next month?
Actually I planned to go when I met this kind priest from Colombia (seriously).
I met Father Gus when he was visiting California this past summer.  I had the opportunity to hear about his community in Santa Marta and the people he is serving in a very impoverished area in Northern Colombia.  He was intrigued by my career experience in marketing, international, photography, social media and my passion for adventure!  He asked if I would be interested in visiting and of course I jumped at the chance to be of service and experience a new part of the world.

What will you be doing?
Fr. Gus has asked me to help with everything.  I am going to look at opportunities for creating sustainable businesses in his community.  I'll also be taking my digital creative kit to help with a possible website, photos and filming.  I will also be working in the community teaching English at their local school in the barrio.

Who are you going with?
I'm going tout seul.

Really?  You are not going with a group or organisation?
No.  I volunteered to go and help Fr. Gus get something going so that hopefully a volunteer holiday can be created for future volunteers or missionaries wanting to visit and do work in Santa Marta, Colombia.  My hope is that I can help create something so other people (Catholic or not) can go help people in beautiful Santa Marta.

Aren't you scared?
Heck no!  The people that really know me - know that I love adventure and I love to travel to adventurous places.  Anyway, I have Fr. Gus and some nuns praying for me so I should be ok.

Is Colombia safe?
Yes, I'll be fine.  I'm going to Colombia not central Mexico.

What will you be taking with you?
Besides my creative kit to create stuff I'll also be packing my brain, my experience and my passion for helping people.

When do you leave?
I depart December 23rd just in time to arrive for Christmas in Santa Marta.

Why go at Christmas?
I could think of nothing better than to celebrate Christmas with people that have so little except each other.

How long will you be going for?
I'll be going for 6 weeks

Do you speak Spanish?
Trato de hablar espanol (I will learn)

How can I help you?
I am paying for this trip out of my own pocket and taking as much as possible.  I'll be buying lots of little toys for girls and boys, educational supplies and of course taking my own supplies to do the work I need to do.  It's Christmas and if you were thinking of sending me a card or even sharing a small little gift please don't buy me anything.   Instead I'm asking if you could kindly donate any amount through PayPal or through my website.

I may need to donate to a family for my accommodation (I still don't know where I'll be staying yet) but no worries I'm not worried.  I am really excited to work with people that desperately need my help and put my experience and skill sets into action.

Will you keep us posted on your travels?
Of course.  I will be blogging here and taking many photos along the way.

Will you do any dog stories while you are doing your volunteer work?
I'm sure I will.  If I don't find the dogs - the dogs find me.

OK, if you have other questions email me.

Thanks for reading my new blog and for any support you can lend helping me help people very much in need.

Muchas gracias!



  1. Love your Q&A approach Heidi. You will sniff out those dog stories plus make an invaluable contribution to the life of the Santa Marta community. You will probably won't want to leave for home. Bruce

  2. Good luck to you Heidi! I'm sure you'll have a great time and have many wonderful experiences.


  3. Good luck Heidi! I will be there with you in spirit the whole time. Only wish I could be there to support you when you need a cuddle but I'm sure you will get plenty of that when they all meet you! I will be following your blog every day from my warm London bed!. Love Mama Vicky xxxx

  4. Hey Heidi, have an amazing time! I'm in San Francisco again from the 18th Dec - 8th Jan. Can't wait to get out of FREEZING London. Mind if me and Antoine hitch a ride in your luggage somewhere even warmer? ;) xx

  5. yeah come along Scampi! I'm sure Father Gus could use some additional help. I'm excited. Sorry I will miss you again - have a great time in SF over the holidays xx
