Monday, December 20, 2010

Elves and Christmas angels

Well this weekend flew by!  I spent all weekend down at my folks doing packing round 1.  I am working today and tomorrow at the Disney Lot (couldn't pass up making a few bucks) and will head back down Tues night to finish packing (round 2) and then I depart very late on Weds night (packing round 3).

My mom was my little elf helping me wrap all the small gifts we purchased for the boys and girls in the Santa Marta village where I'm headed.  I want to take loads of things so the smallest toys (match box cars, plastic toys) were the best to purchase.  Father Gus said there are about 200 kids but I'm not sure if I'll have 200 so he will have to guide me on whom to play Santa.

I also packed up loads of medals and rosaries which my aunts and mom donated.  Like I said before, I have never taken so much stuff.  I hope I have no issues with transporting all this good stuff.  I am paying extra to take two large boxes that will cost me $75 per extra bag/box which will be $150 extra on top of my airline ticket. But it's worth it!

It's still not too late if you want to make a donation towards my trip or call or email before I depart Weds evening.  Colombia is having the worst rain in 40 years but thankfully I'm headed up to the very northern part of the country where the rain isn't so torrential.

I packed loads of clothes, shoes and educational materials such as crayons, pens, pencils, scissors that my mom kindly donated from her old teaching supplies.  My mom was more of a Christmas angel as she spent hours with me tediously wrapping each little toy in a bag and tying a string on it.

Target was also a lifesaver this weekend as well.  I purchased boxes of small candy canes (3x for $5.00!)  I will be the first Santa or Father Christmas these kids have ever seen!

Pray for me that I am able to get all this stuff down there safely.

I am so excited (alas a bit tired though after a busy weekend at my parents house)

More soon!

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